

2023.07.24   News

Kenji Ishimaru, our CEO & Executive Producer, will be speaking at "ChinaJoy 2023" on 7/29, the largest game show in China.

Kenji Ishimaru, our CEO & Executive Producer, will be speaking at “ChinaJoy 2023” on 7/29, the largest game show in China.

ChinaJoy 2023 is a big event that will be held in Shanghai, China from July 28- 31.

It is said to be the most famous and influential event in the global gaming and digital entertainment field.

This year will mark the 20th anniversary of the event, and the number of visitors is expected to exceed 370,000.

As a speaker at such a big game show, Kenji Ishimaru will be giving a talk on creating storytelling in VR.

Please stay tuned!


【ChinaJoy 2023 Event Information】 July 28-31 (Location : Shanghai New International Expo Center)

ChinaJoy 2023 Official Website 

CJ Official (chinajoy.net)

CGDC Home (chinajoy.net)

◆Role Playing Game Session Speaker Kenji Ishimaru’s introduction page https://www.chinajoy.net/cgdcen/